April 1, 2011


I know you've all been on the edge of your seat for the past couple of days waiting to hear how my practical went...;)

I passed!

That basically seals the deal of first year. I just have to pass my finals, and I'll be done with my first year of optometry school. I don't see any problem with doing that!

Still studying for my exam on Monday, but then I have four weeks off before finals! I'm participating in a dodgeball tournament with some friends during that time, going to one of the boy's family member's house for Easter, and hopefully making the trip to D.C.

In completely unrelated news, I still fail at cooking. I couldn't microwave cream of wheat for some reason. It said two minutes, and I was talking to the boy as it was cooking. Came back after two minutes and its all lumpy and still super soupy (haha). Got all mad that it wasn't working out, start reading the directions out loud so the boy could see it wasn't my fault, and that I can actually follow directions.....somewhere "stir every 30 seconds" showed up. Whoops.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! I'm going to be studying my brain off. I really think it's going to fall out soon...

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