December 16, 2011

Momma I'm comin' home

So finals have come to and end, and this can only mean one thing!  I'm heading home!  Can't wait to see friends and family for the holidays.  I really need it since in less than a month I'll be seeing patients.  Whoa.

Tipsy is flying with me, and so far she's been such a good travel companion. I would show you a picture but the horrid "free"wifi at the airport isn't free. yay! Xoxo

December 8, 2011

Christmas spirit

It's Christmas time, and normally I would have already decorated a Christmas tree during Thanksgiving, but because of school/exams/winter break, I haven't done it, and won't.  So, to add some Christmas charm to our apartment (and procrastinate a little bit longer), we put up some Christmas lights last night.  It adds just the perfect amount of Christmas spirit to tide me over until December 25th.  Enjoy!


I've just recently become interested in skincare, and more particularly, my skin. Right now, I could pass for a 16 year old with my child-like skin, and I figured if everyone thinks I look so young now, if I don't take care of my skin, I will look 16 one day, and 37 the next. Blech. I figured I should be milking this genetic gift for everything it's worth, right? So I began reading up on the topic. 

I thought I was pretty well off since I wash, moisturize, and exfoliate on a regular basis.  Plus, I already do a service to my skin for disregarding the need to be tan during the summer months.  Instead I relish in my ability to stay completely pasty white, and blind people on the beach.  However, I've learned it takes more than an ability to become transparent and some face wash.  

Every single article I've read about having good skin emphasizes the fact that you should be taking at least one multivitamin a day, and because I pride myself on my skin, I decided now was probably the time to start supplements.  
Here is the holy grail of my vitamin situation.  I take a daily multivitamin (yes, it's chewable because I'm a baby), fiber gummies because the multivitamin doesn't include fiber (I thought it was called "multi" for a reason, Super tip: the gummy actually helps get the chewable multivitamin bits out of my teeth, a-thankyou), and omega-3 fish oil capsules.  You'd think if I could swallow a monstrous fish oil capsule, I'd be able to swallow a vitamin. Guess not.  I haven't really noticed a difference yet, but I'm sure the inside of my body is thanking me...or at least that's what they better be saying.  

I'm also primarily taking the fish oil for my dry eye situation, and my doctor suggested "Nordic Naturals" because they are the purest and best fish oil capsules on the market.  Supposedly they don't make you burp up "fish burps" which sounds extremely nauseating, and I had no idea they existed until I started researching fish oil.  I'm happy to say I have yet to experience one, so I would recommend Nordic Naturals if they prevent one from the nastiness that is a "fish burp".  They also have liquid fish oil which also seems unbearable, but if you can't take the gigando capsule, then it's an option.  Only draw-back, they aren't cheap.  Looking back, I probably shouldn't have bought them at a Whole Foods since everything there is marked up 200%.  Next time, I'm ordering from Amazon.

Remember when I said I had dry eye?  Here's that situation:
Gel drops galore, Pataday, ointments, oh and I had to buy a humidifier because my eyes were so dry in the morning that my lids were basically glued to my corneas.  Sweet.  No one at the clinic can figure out the cause, but they think it's something with the air here because at home, I don't have dry eye.  Oh and I tried punctal plugs, which is where they stick a piece of plastic into the tear drainage system to block it and keep the tears on your eyes longer.  That didn't work.  I'm a medical mystery!  


New Girl Style

Like most people in the US, on Wednesday nights I watch "New Girl".  It's such a hilarious show, and Zooey Deschanel is a great actress.  I love her quirkiness! It's probably one of my favorite shows on T.V. right now, and that's saying a lot considering the fact that I don't normally watch television.  (Not a big TV fan here.)

The other night I'm just casually watching the show, and out walks Zooey (or Jess, I guess we should call her) wearing the same purse I have!  I freaked out and told Hubby, and he was like "Well now you can say you and Zooey have the same style!...actually it's not really her, it's her stylist from the show, but still." Okay, well thanks for ruining it, but I still say she would totally wear a purse like that in real life anyways.

And here's the photographic evidence:



December 2, 2011

Open minds

"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open."  
Here's some inspiration.  I feel that it's appropriate for the current political climate in our country right now. If only everyone could understand this.  

{Drawing by Carly Hougen}

December 1, 2011

The Kitty and the Wardrobe?

Yesterday I hear a funny noise coming from the dresser while studying.  Go to investigate, and I find........!

Lily was in the dresser. 


Happy Holi-dazzze

What a daze it has been.  I've been so busy lately, and I'm very sorry for ignoring my blog family.  I have had exam after exam, and practical after practical.  Good thing is, I've done well on all of the above.  Now I can take a short break before I start the last of my finals.  And what am I doing during that break?, well, writing to you all of course!

I've made a photo mash up of all of the things I've done in these busy weeks.  And after looking it through, I definitely don't look like I've been too busy...hah.  I guess it is possible to have a life while trying to become a doctor.

In order of appearance:
Lily helping me study.  Thanksgiving #1, Pilgrims and Indians.  Medieval Times.  Thanksgiving #2.

Thanksgiving was definitely a week of thanks.  Two dinners = lots of good food!  Plus at Thanksgiving #2, we sang karaoke and danced for almost four whole hours!  Who says turkey makes you tired?  The kitties even got turkey for Thanksgiving.  We are insane

Hope everyone had a good holiday, and I can't wait for Christmas!  I'm going to NYC Saturday.  I just know that will get me in the holiday spirit! :)
