Hello all!
I've been so hideously busy lately, which is why there haven't been any new posts.
I had my Neurology exam last Monday (went well), a practical on Thursday (also went very well), and tomorrow (Monday) I have another midterm (clinical skills). I also have my Cardiology midterm on Friday.
Needless to say, I'm quite busy. I'm hoping to post Friday because that's when my spring break starts! The boy and I are heading to Boston :) Can't wait!
Updates soon!
P.S. The kitties are getting along....nicely!
February 27, 2011
February 19, 2011
Yes, I know we said we weren't going to get another cat, and yes, I know I'm going to get two phone calls whenever two certain people see this post {you know who you are}, but that doesn't change the fact that we still desperately wanted a playmate for Lily cat.
I had accepted the fact that Lily was to be an only child, until.....the boy said "I want a cat."
"Ohhhhh realllllyyy!?!!! OKAY!"
That's pretty much all it took. The fact that it was no longer my idea made it so much more of a good idea! So that is how it started. I am hard to convince, I know.
We went to a PetSmart adoption weekend, and fell in love with this little fur ball known as Tipsy, and here we are.
So far she likes to sit on the window sill, play with her collar (instead of actually leaving it on), and roam around the room. We are taking the steps to introduce the two girls the proper way, so they haven't formally met yet, except for a couple hisses. Right now they are stationed in separate rooms.
And for the record, her name is Tipsy because she has a white tip on her tail. Not because she is well...tipsy :)
The woman that helped us through the process was so thankful that Tipsy found a good home. It really makes it all worth it when you hear how sincerely grateful the volunteers and coordinators are that you are saving one of their cats lives. I know they say cats have nine lives, but cats here in Philadelphia have only three days.
Remember always, ADOPT!
Yes, I know we said we weren't going to get another cat, and yes, I know I'm going to get two phone calls whenever two certain people see this post {you know who you are}, but that doesn't change the fact that we still desperately wanted a playmate for Lily cat.
I had accepted the fact that Lily was to be an only child, until.....the boy said "I want a cat."
"Ohhhhh realllllyyy!?!!! OKAY!"
That's pretty much all it took. The fact that it was no longer my idea made it so much more of a good idea! So that is how it started. I am hard to convince, I know.
We went to a PetSmart adoption weekend, and fell in love with this little fur ball known as Tipsy, and here we are.
So far she likes to sit on the window sill, play with her collar (instead of actually leaving it on), and roam around the room. We are taking the steps to introduce the two girls the proper way, so they haven't formally met yet, except for a couple hisses. Right now they are stationed in separate rooms.
And for the record, her name is Tipsy because she has a white tip on her tail. Not because she is well...tipsy :)
The woman that helped us through the process was so thankful that Tipsy found a good home. It really makes it all worth it when you hear how sincerely grateful the volunteers and coordinators are that you are saving one of their cats lives. I know they say cats have nine lives, but cats here in Philadelphia have only three days.
Remember always, ADOPT!
February 15, 2011
Sweet Saint Valentine
Happy {a little bit late} Valentine's Day everyone!
This Valentine's Day was a huge cooking success.
I'm sure you're wondering how I got so good at cooking in such a short amount of time from my last cooking mishap. Well, I didn't get any better. The boy cooked. That was my lovely valentine's day gift :) Much needed I may add. Homestyle cookin' was exactly what the doctor ordered after all of this studying craziness. I have a neuro anatomy/neuro pharm test Monday. Super pumped for that. Not. Boy got a cute little hand-made (with the help of photoshop) Valentine's message.
Anywho, he made a super yummy chicken pot pie, and we had caramel carrot cake as dessert.
Here are some tasty photos of the meal.
Also, an unexpected Valentine's Day present for the both of us came yesterday. Engagement photos! I have such a life-consuming amount of studying left to do before Monday, so I'll leave you with a few to look at.
We've got a million out-takes of this one.
Enjoy the love!
This Valentine's Day was a huge cooking success.
I'm sure you're wondering how I got so good at cooking in such a short amount of time from my last cooking mishap. Well, I didn't get any better. The boy cooked. That was my lovely valentine's day gift :) Much needed I may add. Homestyle cookin' was exactly what the doctor ordered after all of this studying craziness. I have a neuro anatomy/neuro pharm test Monday. Super pumped for that. Not. Boy got a cute little hand-made (with the help of photoshop) Valentine's message.
Anywho, he made a super yummy chicken pot pie, and we had caramel carrot cake as dessert.
Here are some tasty photos of the meal.
Also, an unexpected Valentine's Day present for the both of us came yesterday. Engagement photos! I have such a life-consuming amount of studying left to do before Monday, so I'll leave you with a few to look at.
We've got a million out-takes of this one.
Enjoy the love!
{Engagement Photos by the amazingly amazing Sarah Schultz Photography}
February 13, 2011
I love running. I love it so much, that you get to read about two things running related today (Bonus!). Today confirmed exactly why I love it so much.
Today I ran Kelly Drive. (It's technically Fairmount Park, I think.) I'm a part of my schools running club, and this was the long run location planned for the week. It was the most amazing running experience I've had in Philly so far. There were so many people out, and it was so motivating. I was hoping to run three miles, and I ended up running five. If I could have actually found the mile markers, I would have probably turned around earlier, but I'm glad I didn't. The melting snow, mixed with the salt made it incredibly hard to see the little, barely there, white quarter mile markers.
My favorite part about running outside is the scenery (and the feeling). In Wisconsin, there is no limit to what you can and will see. The routes I ran at home were amazing, and absolutely breathtaking. Exhibit A.
I wasn't expecting the same from Philadelphia. Especially Center City Philly. Skyscrapers, smog, etc.
I was totally wrong. I mean totally. I unfortunately didn't have my camera on me during this run (mental note: next time). Exhibit B: Kelly Drive in the summer. (The 8 mile loop has trails on both sides of this river. I ran five miles of it.)
Look at that view! I knew from the beginning that this would be a pretty amazing run because we started near the Rocky steps (a.k.a. Philadelphia Museum of Art). I had no idea on the way back I'd be staring straight at the Philly skyline the entire way. Not to mention that the river I was running next to is infamous for their crew teams (Boathouse Row), so there were a lot of teams practicing on the river this morning.
I'm starting to fall in love with this city more and more every day. I did a pretty amazing job of picking an optometry school location, must say.
Oh, and did I mention that the number one reason I fell in love with running happened again this morning? I didn't? Oh dear...let me explain. Breathing. Yes, breathing. It's such a simple thing, and we all take it for granted. But it is also the most wonderful thing when you are actually aware of it. When I start running distance (I don't mean two miles, I mean 5-25) I get in the zone. I'm sure you've all heard people say that, but "the zone" is different for everyone in everything. To me, my zone is when I am no longer breathing heavy. When I've become completely aware of how relaxed I am while running. Running multiple miles. The feeling you get when it happens is indescribable. It doesn't happen to everyone, and I'm positive the only reason I can actually be relaxed and breathe slowly while running is because I've trained myself for very long distance, and you can't huff and puff for miles and miles. If you can do it, it's unbelievable.
Speaking of running. Thanks to the boy, my interest in barefoot running has been peaked. I've decided I wanted to try it, so I ran in my socks only for three miles this week. It felt amazing. I can't believe what I've been missing. There is absolutely no need for shoes, at all. The next day, however, I realized that I can't just jump into it.
I was working some muscle in my calf that I'm convinced has never received nerve impulses before because my calves were so sore. Standing, just standing felt like I was stretching my calf way past it's comfort zone. I decided I should probably get some real help on the subject, and went to the local running store. I knew my overall long-term goal was to get Vibram's FiveFingers (basically a glove, but for your foot so when you run barefoot you don't step on glass and slash your foot up), but I needed to ease into it first.
Going from cushy, comfy shoes to nothing, wouldn't have been a smart idea, and that was illustrated by my calves hatred of me the day after I tried it. I did some research before I went in, however, and I decided I should go for the next best thing. Running shoes with absolutely no support. I've decided on the Nike free run. I'm going to purchase them tomorrow.
Because of today's success stories, I decided to sign up for the Five Mile Frostbite Run which is next Saturday.
Happy {almost} Valentine's Day!
Today I ran Kelly Drive. (It's technically Fairmount Park, I think.) I'm a part of my schools running club, and this was the long run location planned for the week. It was the most amazing running experience I've had in Philly so far. There were so many people out, and it was so motivating. I was hoping to run three miles, and I ended up running five. If I could have actually found the mile markers, I would have probably turned around earlier, but I'm glad I didn't. The melting snow, mixed with the salt made it incredibly hard to see the little, barely there, white quarter mile markers.
My favorite part about running outside is the scenery (and the feeling). In Wisconsin, there is no limit to what you can and will see. The routes I ran at home were amazing, and absolutely breathtaking. Exhibit A.
I wasn't expecting the same from Philadelphia. Especially Center City Philly. Skyscrapers, smog, etc.
I was totally wrong. I mean totally. I unfortunately didn't have my camera on me during this run (mental note: next time). Exhibit B: Kelly Drive in the summer. (The 8 mile loop has trails on both sides of this river. I ran five miles of it.)
Look at that view! I knew from the beginning that this would be a pretty amazing run because we started near the Rocky steps (a.k.a. Philadelphia Museum of Art). I had no idea on the way back I'd be staring straight at the Philly skyline the entire way. Not to mention that the river I was running next to is infamous for their crew teams (Boathouse Row), so there were a lot of teams practicing on the river this morning.
I'm starting to fall in love with this city more and more every day. I did a pretty amazing job of picking an optometry school location, must say.
Oh, and did I mention that the number one reason I fell in love with running happened again this morning? I didn't? Oh dear...let me explain. Breathing. Yes, breathing. It's such a simple thing, and we all take it for granted. But it is also the most wonderful thing when you are actually aware of it. When I start running distance (I don't mean two miles, I mean 5-25) I get in the zone. I'm sure you've all heard people say that, but "the zone" is different for everyone in everything. To me, my zone is when I am no longer breathing heavy. When I've become completely aware of how relaxed I am while running. Running multiple miles. The feeling you get when it happens is indescribable. It doesn't happen to everyone, and I'm positive the only reason I can actually be relaxed and breathe slowly while running is because I've trained myself for very long distance, and you can't huff and puff for miles and miles. If you can do it, it's unbelievable.
Speaking of running. Thanks to the boy, my interest in barefoot running has been peaked. I've decided I wanted to try it, so I ran in my socks only for three miles this week. It felt amazing. I can't believe what I've been missing. There is absolutely no need for shoes, at all. The next day, however, I realized that I can't just jump into it.
I was working some muscle in my calf that I'm convinced has never received nerve impulses before because my calves were so sore. Standing, just standing felt like I was stretching my calf way past it's comfort zone. I decided I should probably get some real help on the subject, and went to the local running store. I knew my overall long-term goal was to get Vibram's FiveFingers (basically a glove, but for your foot so when you run barefoot you don't step on glass and slash your foot up), but I needed to ease into it first.
Going from cushy, comfy shoes to nothing, wouldn't have been a smart idea, and that was illustrated by my calves hatred of me the day after I tried it. I did some research before I went in, however, and I decided I should go for the next best thing. Running shoes with absolutely no support. I've decided on the Nike free run. I'm going to purchase them tomorrow.
Because of today's success stories, I decided to sign up for the Five Mile Frostbite Run which is next Saturday.
Happy {almost} Valentine's Day!
February 7, 2011
The day the lights went out
This past Sunday I decided to hit the gym with the roomie for our long run of the week. We are training for a 10 mile run, (even though we missed the deadline). But that's besides the point. Nearing the end of our workout, I receive a call from the boy. "Power went out again." (Again meaning, twice in the same week.) In the last week our complex has experienced three fire alarms and two power outages.
Now, I don't mean to quote fairy tales here, but come on...hasn't anyone heard of 'The Boy who cried Wolf'? I think it's safe to say that if there were ever a real emergency here, 98.76% of the occupants would sit inside and keep going about their business. Of course during the first thousand fire alarms, the boy and I freaked out like the world's ending, and took them very seriously every time. This, of course, included getting shredded to bits by Lily cat, shoving her in her kennel, and trudging down nine floors of stairs. Just to get downstairs and realize it was fake, or in a different wing, or a burnt pie, or anything that is the smallest thing ever to set off a fire alarm. I can now see why our neighbors just peek their heads out, check the corridor for smoke, and once they see nothing, they close it and try to drown out the sound of the alarm. Which, by the way, sounds like a semi-truck mixed with the loudest, shrillest beeping you've ever heard.
Back on track. After boy informs me of the situation, I think, 'Great. Three o' clock on Superbowl Sunday. Superbowl starts in 2.5 hours. The Superbowl, mind you, that the Green Bay Packers are going to be a part of, and being from Wisconsin, it was required to watch. No power. Boy won't be happy.' I just hoped that by the time we get home, it's fixed.
Nope. We walk into our lobby only to realize the elevators don't work, and there are people stuck inside. Glad we weren't part of that mess. We walk across the entry way to the stairs, and this is when I regretted running that extra half mile. Nine floors up, and we are almost hyperventilating and pretty sure we are going to die. We made mental notes to run the stairs more often as cross-training. We make it into our apartment, and realize our water isn't working that well. I thought it was the worst thing ever, and boy had to help me put it in perspective. At least it wasn't a zombie apocalypse. I find a way to sponge bathe in the shower, and I decided it was time to study with the guys upstairs, three floors.
I walk out of our apartment, study gear in hand, and this is when I realized I am still afraid of the dark.
That's a dark tunnel of doom right there. And this was the corridor I had to traverse to get to the stairs.
Now if that doesn't scream horror movie, I don't know what does. I felt like I had just entered into a scene from Left 4 Dead.
I get brave enough to walk up the stairs. There was zero light, and I was using my tiny little blackberry screen to guide me. I was waiting for the zombie to magically appear, but it didn't happen. I finally make it to their floor, and walk down their hallway. Somehow I ended up behind someone with a flashlight, so he guided me halfway, until we split paths. Their hallway was completely dark, and silent, so I tried to get to their room as soon as humanly possible. And then, it happened...
Something grabbed my ankles and grunted. I was pretty sure I had just met my zombie. Turns out, it was just the guys I was going to study with.
I'm planning my revenge as we speak.
Now, I don't mean to quote fairy tales here, but come on...hasn't anyone heard of 'The Boy who cried Wolf'? I think it's safe to say that if there were ever a real emergency here, 98.76% of the occupants would sit inside and keep going about their business. Of course during the first thousand fire alarms, the boy and I freaked out like the world's ending, and took them very seriously every time. This, of course, included getting shredded to bits by Lily cat, shoving her in her kennel, and trudging down nine floors of stairs. Just to get downstairs and realize it was fake, or in a different wing, or a burnt pie, or anything that is the smallest thing ever to set off a fire alarm. I can now see why our neighbors just peek their heads out, check the corridor for smoke, and once they see nothing, they close it and try to drown out the sound of the alarm. Which, by the way, sounds like a semi-truck mixed with the loudest, shrillest beeping you've ever heard.
Back on track. After boy informs me of the situation, I think, 'Great. Three o' clock on Superbowl Sunday. Superbowl starts in 2.5 hours. The Superbowl, mind you, that the Green Bay Packers are going to be a part of, and being from Wisconsin, it was required to watch. No power. Boy won't be happy.' I just hoped that by the time we get home, it's fixed.
Nope. We walk into our lobby only to realize the elevators don't work, and there are people stuck inside. Glad we weren't part of that mess. We walk across the entry way to the stairs, and this is when I regretted running that extra half mile. Nine floors up, and we are almost hyperventilating and pretty sure we are going to die. We made mental notes to run the stairs more often as cross-training. We make it into our apartment, and realize our water isn't working that well. I thought it was the worst thing ever, and boy had to help me put it in perspective. At least it wasn't a zombie apocalypse. I find a way to sponge bathe in the shower, and I decided it was time to study with the guys upstairs, three floors.
I walk out of our apartment, study gear in hand, and this is when I realized I am still afraid of the dark.
That's a dark tunnel of doom right there. And this was the corridor I had to traverse to get to the stairs.
Now if that doesn't scream horror movie, I don't know what does. I felt like I had just entered into a scene from Left 4 Dead.
I get brave enough to walk up the stairs. There was zero light, and I was using my tiny little blackberry screen to guide me. I was waiting for the zombie to magically appear, but it didn't happen. I finally make it to their floor, and walk down their hallway. Somehow I ended up behind someone with a flashlight, so he guided me halfway, until we split paths. Their hallway was completely dark, and silent, so I tried to get to their room as soon as humanly possible. And then, it happened...
Something grabbed my ankles and grunted. I was pretty sure I had just met my zombie. Turns out, it was just the guys I was going to study with.
I'm planning my revenge as we speak.
February 2, 2011
Tasty sparkle
The other day the boy and I went to Bredenbeck's Bakery in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. This is my favorite bakery in Philly so far. They are very reasonably priced, and they have the best cupcakes. We got two chocolate cupcakes, a vanilla creme cupcake, mocha cupcake, canoli, and Mr. snowman cupcake. They also make amazing pound cake. Incredible.
Mr. Snowman was my favorite. Not only was he cute, but he was covered in icing and frosting. And his head was a gigantic dollop of buttercream frosting. yum. I love sugar. As you know, so I figured this would be the perfect dessert. However, all of the sugar was bit much. I couldn't finish his hat because it was too sweet. Who would've thought.
Speaking of sugar. We had a full health work up done in our organ lab today, and I don't have diabetes. Shocking, I know. I actually had no idea I needed to fast until about 10am, and by then I was starving (Cheerios for breakfast, makes for a bad fasting day). Another classmate enlightened me, and once I knew I couldn't eat until after our lab (Read: 5pm), the only thing I could focus on was eating.
By the time I got my blood taken, my blood glucose levels were at a hypoglycemic level. Oh, good.
Our lab doctor asked me if I had eaten. .....No...you told me to fast. Nevertheless, I lasted until I made it home. I have decided to try and cut down on the sweets. I'll keep you updated as to how successful this actually is. A few other interesting morsels from the lab: I have bradycardia (which I've known about for a long time, and it's because I run so much....{flex} strong heart), and I have super low LDL and super high HDL. Yay for health.
I also got a super amazing, incredible, awesome email the other day. It was regarding something I entered into a contest for, and somehow, I won! It involves the wedding, and it's pretty much my new favorite thing. I took a picture of a part of it. This accounts for the sparkle in the title.
Exam on Monday means I should probably stop being distracted by sparkly things.
Mr. Snowman was my favorite. Not only was he cute, but he was covered in icing and frosting. And his head was a gigantic dollop of buttercream frosting. yum. I love sugar. As you know, so I figured this would be the perfect dessert. However, all of the sugar was bit much. I couldn't finish his hat because it was too sweet. Who would've thought.
Speaking of sugar. We had a full health work up done in our organ lab today, and I don't have diabetes. Shocking, I know. I actually had no idea I needed to fast until about 10am, and by then I was starving (Cheerios for breakfast, makes for a bad fasting day). Another classmate enlightened me, and once I knew I couldn't eat until after our lab (Read: 5pm), the only thing I could focus on was eating.
By the time I got my blood taken, my blood glucose levels were at a hypoglycemic level. Oh, good.
Our lab doctor asked me if I had eaten. .....No...you told me to fast. Nevertheless, I lasted until I made it home. I have decided to try and cut down on the sweets. I'll keep you updated as to how successful this actually is. A few other interesting morsels from the lab: I have bradycardia (which I've known about for a long time, and it's because I run so much....{flex} strong heart), and I have super low LDL and super high HDL. Yay for health.
I also got a super amazing, incredible, awesome email the other day. It was regarding something I entered into a contest for, and somehow, I won! It involves the wedding, and it's pretty much my new favorite thing. I took a picture of a part of it. This accounts for the sparkle in the title.
Exam on Monday means I should probably stop being distracted by sparkly things.
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