December 8, 2011

New Girl Style

Like most people in the US, on Wednesday nights I watch "New Girl".  It's such a hilarious show, and Zooey Deschanel is a great actress.  I love her quirkiness! It's probably one of my favorite shows on T.V. right now, and that's saying a lot considering the fact that I don't normally watch television.  (Not a big TV fan here.)

The other night I'm just casually watching the show, and out walks Zooey (or Jess, I guess we should call her) wearing the same purse I have!  I freaked out and told Hubby, and he was like "Well now you can say you and Zooey have the same style!...actually it's not really her, it's her stylist from the show, but still." Okay, well thanks for ruining it, but I still say she would totally wear a purse like that in real life anyways.

And here's the photographic evidence:



1 comment:

  1. That´s cool :D
    It happend to me that a saw a star (don´t know which one anymore) wearing a bracelet my mother had bought me years ago :D
