January 8, 2012

Bag solutions

We made it safely home!  However, after we got here, we realized (I realized) we had wayyyyyy too many plastic bags.  This is what our "bag shelf" originally looked like upon returning home. 
Seeing as we have one cat that LOVES to eat plastic bags, I figured it was time to find a better bag solution.  So I was browsing my new favorite website, Pinterest, the other day, and I found a perfect way to de-bag our "bag shelf".  Here's the results!
Voila!  Easy, didn't take long, and now all you have to do to get a bag, is pull one out! I skipped the container option for the bags seeing as we didn't have any, but our way works just as well!

I'll be posting more about my break later tonight, but until then, xoxo!

January 5, 2012

Leavin' town

So that break went waaayyyy to fast. I also didn't even blog ONCE! I feel like I really embraced the laziness that is winter break.

I figured I'd just write to say I'm still alive, and that I'm leavin' on a jet plane tomorrow afternoon. Be ready for a picture post of the holidays, and my new found love of long exposure photography. I'll leave you with a little taste of what I've been doing for the past three weeks.
