July 27, 2012


I learned two things today.  I am closer to 30 than I am to 20, and I now need three hands to show my age (possible with Mike's help!).

Oh, and taking a final on your birthday blows.

Here's to another year.  Hopefully it can be as good as the last few! 


July 21, 2012

Foot is better!

You heard it here first folks!  I've been staying off of my foot (not running on it) for a while, and it no longer hurts!  Today will be my first long run on it, so we'll see how it goes.

In other fitness news, Mike and I started insanity this week.  It is insane, but not impossible.  It's probably a good thing that I'm doing it with him.  It is an every day thing.  It's good to have a work out partner with programs like this one.  We'll see how long I last once I start running more again.  Insanity is cardio, so I'm either going to be super buff with super endurance, or super tired....or both!

Finals are coming up and start next week.  We've only got about two weeks left of school, and I cannot wait to be done with this semester.  After this, I will never have school in the summer again!  WOOOOOOO!

Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend.


July 16, 2012

Foot problems

You all know I run, like..... a lot.  Luckily, in my long running career, I've never really gotten injured.  I mean, I've had knee pains every now and again, but they don't keep me off the roads.  I've fallen, eh hem..reminder, but it doesn't stop me from going out every day.  I've never had anything occur that actually keeps me from running when I want to be running.  I think today might change that...

I went on a pretty standard run for me today, and nothing outstanding happened (besides the scorching heat radiating through my soul).  I get home, relax, and watch an episode of "Keeping up with the Kardashians" (...yes, I know I have terrible taste in television, Mike reminds me everyday).  I get up to get lunch, and BAM! Something is hurting on my right foot.  The ball of my right foot to be exact.  I limp to the kitchen, and the tile makes it hurt worse.  I grab a granola bar because no way am I standing at the stove to make a batch of pasta when my foot hurts like this.  I go back to sit down.

I've been trying to figure out what this is since.  The news is not promising.  It sounds like I'm going to have to take some time off from running to get this to heal up.  Super sad news for me, but lets just hope I can stay out of the hospital.

Lets not forget my knees are still sore from falling three weeks ago, and now my foot hurts.  Is this what it feels like to get old?  I sure hope not.

We'll see how it feels tomorrow.  Until then, I'll be sitting right here, either studying, reading, or sleeping. 
